Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What a difference a day makes!

On Monday, we posted some photos of the empty elevator lobby after Young Adult and Audiovisual moved. Just bare floors. It's amazing how quickly things can change... Now we have carpet and framing for glass walls!

 The photo above was taken looking toward the main entrance (See the atrium on the right with the glass doors?) The new Circulation Department is toward the left of the photos where those people are standing by the columns. To the left (outside of the photo) are the elevator and stairs. The metal frames you see zigzagging between the small columns will be glass walls. Carpeting really makes a big difference! (Go ahead and look back at yesterday's blog post to compare the photos... we'll wait.)

It's a busy day here at the Library with a lot of deliveries. Shelving units, cabinets and counters are all being delivered.

 The photo above shows a unit that, once installed, will house self checkout stations. Pretty cool, huh?

And here's what the future Circulation Department looks like today:

On our stroll of the building this morning, we were also excited to see THIS:

 The completed fabric wall in Children's! Isn't it beautiful? The supports below the wall will hold a boat-shaped counter, where our Children's computers will sit. Immediately to the left (just outside the photo) is the new Children's desk. Across the hall is the new Storyroom (which you can look into via windows).

And here are some photos, just for you Heritage Room fans:

That's right... we're starting to shelve the collection again!

Stacks and stacks of boxes containing Heritage Room materials are now upstairs.
 Things are moving right along, and there are exciting changes to see every day!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Moving back in!

Over the weekend, patrons got a surprise when they came to the library:

This is our elevator lobby, where, up until a few days ago, our Young Adult section, DVDs and audiobooks were temporarily located.  Where are they now?

 BACK HOME!!!! We're still working on getting everything the way we want it, but our teen books and audiovisual materials are back in their newly refurbished area. Yay, progress!

And speaking of progress, look what we saw this morning:

 Workers are now starting in on the wall fabric in the hallway between Children's and Young Adult. This part of the building (where that huge, colorful compass is on the floor) is really going to be a showpiece!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Repaving the parking lot

Just a heads up... the parking lot is getting repaved this week!

We plan to have half the lot closed at a time, and only in the mornings (by 1 p.m. every day, or as soon as the asphalt is cool enough), and the work should be done by 1 p.m. on Thursday. Meanwhile, plan for uneven surfaces in the parking lot and temporary striping. Be careful out there!

Also, if you can't find a space out front, there's also the lot at the Clarke Middle School soccer field. It's the next driveway up Dudley Drive from ours, and it's directly behind our building.